Contributing to the Pyxu-FAIR#

Want to contribute your own Pyxu-based plugin and making it available in the Pyxu FAIR? We recommend using the Pyxu cookiecutter.

This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating a new plugin using the cookiecutter.

Create your plugin package#

Install Cookiecutter if not installed:

python -m pip install cookiecutter

Generate a new Pyxu plugin project (a new folder will be created in your current working directory):


The Cookiecutter prompts you for information regarding your plugin. Defaults are shown in brackets.

full_name [Pyxu Developer]: Isaac Newton
email []:
github_username_or_organization [githubuser]: sirisaac

Note that for packages whose primary purpose is to be a Pyxu plugin, we recommend using the ‘pyxu-’ prefix in the package name. If your package provides functionality outside of Pyxu, you may choose to leave Pyxu out of the name.

plugin_name [pyxu-foobar]: pyxu-gradient-descent

Select github_repository_url:
1 -
2 - provide later
Choose from 1, 2 [1]:

module_name [pyxu_gradient_descent]:
display_name [Pyxu FooBar Collection]: Gradient Descent
short_description [A simple plugin to use the FooBar collection within Pyxu]: A simple gradient descent solver for Pyxu

You can choose from a variety of plugin template examples. These provide the foundational structure for a Pyxu plugin, aiding in the development of your own plugin.

include_math_plugin [y]: n
include_operator_plugin [n]:
include_solver_plugin [n]:y
include_stop_plugin [n]: n
include_contrib_plugin [n]: n

Next, you’ll be prompted to decide between using git tags for versioning or managing package version numbers manually. Using git tags offers a more straightforward approach and reduces potential errors.

use_git_tags_for_versioning [n]:

Next, you’ll be prompted to determine if you wish to install pre-commit. This tool automates tasks before each commit, ensuring code quality and consistency, reducing the likelihood of errors and oversights in your codebase.

install_precommit [n]:

Finally, you’ll be prompted to select a license for your plugin. The default is the BSD-3 license.

Select license:
1 - BSD-3
2 - MIT
3 - Mozilla Public License 2.0
4 - Apache Software License 2.0
5 - GNU LGPL v3.0
6 - GNU GPL v3.0
Choose from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 [1]:

You just created the necessary structure for a funcitonal Pyxu plugin, complete with tests and ready for automatic deployment!

For more detailed information on each prompt see the prompts reference.

├── .git
├── .github
│         └── workflows
│             └── test_and_deploy.yml
├── .gitignore
├── .pre-commit-config.yaml
├── .pyxu-gradient-descent
│         ├── config.yml
│         └──
├── pyproject.toml
├── setup.cfg
├── src
│         ├──
│         ├── pyxu_gradient_descent
│                ├──
│                └── opt
│                    ├──
│                    └── solver
│                        └──
│         └── pyxu_gradient_descent_tests
│             ├──
│             └── test_opt
│                 ├──
│                 └──
└── tox.ini

Initialize a git repository in your package#

This is important for version management.

cd pyxu-gradient-descent
git init
git add .
git commit -m 'initial commit'

Upload it to GitHub#

  • Create a [new github repository] with the name github_repository_url you indicated.

  • Add your newly created GitHub repo as a remote and push:

git remote add origin
git push -u origin main

Setup a local environment#

It is recommended to set up a local Python environment to develop and test your plugin. With Conda, you can use:

conda create --name "${my_env}" python=3.11
conda activate "${my_env}"
python -m pip install -e .

You will probably want to install your new package into this environment. Pyxu is already set as a dependency, simply add the other required dependencies in the setup.cfg file and run the following commands.

cd <your-repo-name>
python -m pip install -e .

The -e . argument installs the package in editable mode, meaning that any changes you make to the source code will be reflected in the installed package.

Develop new features#

The cookiecutter offers a pre-defined hierarchy of classes and functions to aid novice Pyxu developers in creating novel features. At this point, the developer can create new functionalities following the Pyxu developer notes and structure predefined by the cookiecutter.

Continuous Integration#

This Pyxu-plugin generator repository provides you with already-parametrized continuous integration tools.


This template includes a default YAML configuration for pre-commit.

Among other things, it includes checks for best practices in Pyxu plugins.

You may edit the config at .pre-commit-config.yaml

To use it run:

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

You can also have these checks run automatically for you when you push to GitHub by installing pre-commit ci on your repository.

Running tests locally#

You can run your tests locally with pytest. You’ll need to make sure that your package is installed in your environment, along with testing requirements (specified in the setup.cfg extras_require section):

pip install -e ".[testing]"

Monitor testing and coverage#

The repository is already set to run your tests automatically each time you push an update (configuration is in .github/workflows/test_and_deploy.yml). You can monitor them in the “Actions” tab of your GitHub repository. If you’re following along, go have a look… they should be running right now!

When the tests are done, test coverage will be viewable at (assuming your repository is public):<your-github-username>/<your-package-name>

Set up automatic deployments#

Your new package is also nearly ready to automatically deploy to PyPI (whenever you create a tagged release), so that your users can simply pip install your package. To do so, you just need to create an API token to authenticate with PyPi, and then add it to your GitHub repository:

  1. If you don’t already have one, create an account at PyPI.

  2. Verify your email address with PyPI, (if you haven’t already)

  3. Generate an API token at PyPI: In your account settings go to the API tokens section and select “Add API token”. Make sure to copy it somewhere safe!

  4. Create a new encrypted secret in your GitHub repository with the name “TWINE_API_KEY”, and paste in your API token.

You are now setup for automatic deployment!

Automatic deployment and version management#

Each time you want to deploy a new version, you just need to create a tagged commit, and push it to your main branch on GitHub. Your package is set up to use setuptools_scm for version management, meaning you don’t need to hard-code your version anywhere in your package. It will be inferred from the tag each time you release. The deployment is also handled with the [github actions] using the same workflow file .github/workflows/test_and_deploy.yml.

The tag will be used as the version string for your package make it meaningful:

git tag -a v0.1.0 -m "v0.1.0"

Make sure to use follow-tags so that the tag also gets pushed to github

git push --follow-tags

Monitor the “actions” tab on your GitHub repo for progress… and when the “deploy” step is finished, your new version should be visible on PyPI:<your-package-name>/

and available for pip install with:

pip install pyxu-gradient-descent

Create your documentation#

Documentation generation is not included in this template. We recommend following the getting started guides for