Migrating from v1 to v2#

With the release of Pyxu v2, several major improvements and changes have been introduced. This guide will help you smoothly transition your code from v1 to v2.

The most significant change is that Pyxu v2 no longer vectorizes N-dimensional signals. In v1, vectorizing N-dimensional arrays caused Dask arrays to rechunk into 1-dimensional chunks, which required computing the array in a single node, thus breaking the distributed nature of Dask. In v2, the arrays remain N-dimensional throughout, and Dask arrays are not “computed” at any point, preserving the benefits of distributed computing.

Key Changes#

  • Signal Handling: Operators and solvers now work directly with N-dimensional data without needing to flatten and reshape.

  • Functionals and Losses: In v1, loss functionals could be defined from functionals with the asloss method. We have changed this method to argshift for clarity, avoiding ambiguity around sign usage.

  • Stopping Criteria: The stopping criteria have been updated to use dim_rank, which specifies the rank of the signal dimensions.

Example Conversion#

Below is an example showing how to convert code from v1 to v2.

Common Setup for v1 and v2:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import skimage
from pyxu.operator import Convolve, L21Norm, Gradient, SquaredL2Norm, PositiveOrthant
from pyxu.opt.solver import PD3O
from pyxu.opt.stop import RelError

# Load and preprocess the data
data = skimage.data.cat()  # shape (300, 451, 3)
data = np.asarray(data.astype("float32") / 255.0).transpose(2, 0, 1)  # shape (3, 300, 451)

# Create the Gaussian blurring kernel
sigma = 7
width = 13
mu = (width - 1) / 2
gauss = lambda x: (1 / (2 * np.pi * sigma**2)) * np.exp(-0.5 * ((x - mu) ** 2) / (sigma**2))
kernel_1d = np.fromfunction(gauss, (width,)).reshape(1, -1)

# The shape of the input array will be used to define operators
dim_shape = data.shape

v1 Code:

# Applying the blurring and adding noise
conv = Convolve(
    arg_shape=dim_shape,  # v1: using `arg_shape`
    kernel=[np.array([1]), kernel_1d, kernel_1d],
    center=[0, width // 2, width // 2],
y = conv(data.ravel()).reshape(dim_shape)  # Flattening and reshaping required in v1
y = np.random.normal(loc=y, scale=0.05)

# Setting up the MAP approach with total variation prior and positivity constraint
sl2 = SquaredL2Norm(dim=y.size).asloss(y.ravel())  # v1: `dim` used with `.asloss()`
loss = sl2 * conv

l21 = L21Norm(arg_shape=(2, *dim_shape), l2_axis=(0, 1))  # v1: `arg_shape` used

grad = Gradient(
    arg_shape=dim_shape,  # v1: `arg_shape`
    directions=(1, 2),

stop_crit = RelError(

positivity = PositiveOrthant(dim=y.size)  # v1: `dim` used
solver = PD3O(f=loss, g=positivity, h=l21, K=grad)
solver.fit(x0=y.ravel(), stop_crit=stop_crit)  # Flattening required in v1

# Getting the deblurred image
recons = solver.solution().reshape(dim_shape)
recons /= recons.max()

v2 Code:

# Applying the blurring and adding noise
conv = Convolve(
    dim_shape=dim_shape,  # v2: `dim_shape` replaces `arg_shape`
    kernel=[np.array([1]), kernel_1d, kernel_1d],
    center=[0, width // 2, width // 2],
y = conv(data)  # No need to flatten or reshape in v2
y = np.random.normal(loc=y, scale=0.05)

# Setting up the MAP approach with total variation prior and positivity constraint
sl2 = SquaredL2Norm(dim_shape=dim_shape).argshift(-y)  # v2: `dim_shape` replaces `dim`, `.argshift()` replaces `.asloss()`
loss = sl2 * conv

l21 = L21Norm(dim_shape=(2, *dim_shape), l2_axis=(0, 1))  # v2: `dim_shape` replaces `arg_shape`

grad = Gradient(
    dim_shape=dim_shape,  # v2: `dim_shape` replaces `arg_shape`
    directions=(1, 2),

stop_crit = RelError(
    dim_rank=len(dim_shape),  # v2: New `dim_rank` parameter for dimensional rank

positivity = PositiveOrthant(dim_shape=dim_shape)  # v2: `dim_shape` replaces `dim`
solver = PD3O(f=loss, g=positivity, h=l21, K=grad)
solver.fit(x0=y, stop_crit=stop_crit)  # No flattening required in v2

Migration Tips#

  • dim_shape vs. dim: In v2, wherever dim was used in v1, you now use dim_shape to work with the full N-dimensional structure of the data.

  • arg_shape vs. dim_shape: Similarly, arg_shape is replaced by dim_shape to emphasize the full shape of the data.

  • argshift replaces asloss: argshift is introduced in place of asloss to avoid ambiguity around signs and provide a more intuitive interface.

  • Flattening/Reshaping: In v2, there is no need to flatten and reshape data when using operators like Convolve and solvers like PD3O. You can work directly with n-dimensional data.

  • dim_rank: In stopping criteria, dim_rank now specifies the rank of the signal dimensions, which was not explicitly required in v1.

Further Help#

If you encounter any issues during your migration, please consult the API Reference and Example Gallery or reach out to the community via our support channels.